The Social Excellence Project

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The One Reason Human Connection Matters Most

by Matt Mattson

You want me to talk to strangers? Why?

You want me to go to this networking event? Why?

You want me to make a phone call to a potential donor? Why?

You want me to go introduce myself to the new neighbor? Why?

You want me to have a conversation that's deeper than surface level? Why?

You want me to engage with people who strongly disagree with me? Why?

I don't know. You tell me.

If you tell me your purpose -- your personal purpose, your professional purpose, or your cause-based purpose -- I'll make a $100 bet that that purpose will be advanced because of your choice to take your human connection to the next level.

That's the one reason why you should do those things. That's the one reason human connection matters most -- YOUR REASON.

Why do you exist? Probably lots of reasons. But if you were to distill your reason for being on this earth down to one or two things, what would they be?

I believe everyone was put on this earth for a reason. I believe you're here to make some impact, to leave some mark, to put your stamp on the world somehow. Discovering that reason is the topic of a different post (or really, a lifetime of exploration), but if you're lucky enough to have some idea of what your purpose is, you'll realize that YOUR PURPOSE IS THE REASON TO CONNECT WITH OTHERS, and more so, CONNECTING WITH OTHERS MIGHT BE THE MOST EFFECTIVE ACT YOU CAN TAKE TO ADVANCE YOUR PURPOSE.

I think I was put on this earth to help people gather together to talk about the important stuff of life. That's why I'm here. Knowing that gives me such clarity and peace, and it also gives me motivation and drive to push myself beyond my comfort zone and engage with others. Because I'll never find the next way to fulfill my purpose unless I connect with others who might be able to help me.

I try to say YES to coffee meetings, phone calls, e-mails full of curiosity, and opportunities to shake hands with new people. Many times those things result in nothing tangible, but sometimes they become the next big thing for me.

What is your purpose? Your "WHY"? That's the reason you should shake that next hand. That's the reason you should take advantage of that networking event. That's the reason you should meet the person sitting next to you on the bus, in your worship service, in class, or at the coffee shop. That's the reason you should go one level deeper in your conversation with your work colleague.